Making a Difference Locally

As Herpetology (the study of reptiles and amphibians) becomes a growing hobby of the Finger Lakes we strive to be the voice of these animals. We are so excited and happy to see more reptiles and amphibians join families. However many people realize a different animal would've been a better fit for their family AFTER getting one. Here at Creature Cove our first mission is to help new owners understand what they are getting into. Unfortunately there's a lot of outdated and wrong information on reptile/amphibian care. We are here to help fix that. We can be found visiting reptile expo's all over the state. Follow us on our socials to learn more and see where we will be headed next!

Our Mission

Join us on a mission of education and appreciation. We strive to continuously educate ourselves and others, especially as new knowledge comes to us through research! Staying educated is the best way to appreciate all creatures to the fullest without causing harm. We will appreciate them by knowing their limits in our admiration. Overall we strive to have the education & appreciation to properly take care of and love all creatures around us! Proper knowledge requires time and effort. Everything we learn we will try our best to share! Follow our socials to learn more!

Our Vision

Join our journey as we recognize problems all around us- creatures being abused, poached, and even extinct. We will do what we can with our resources to help fight these battles. There are always multiple ways we can all help such as donating money to organizations around the world that dedicate their resources to helping different creatures everywhere. If not money, then you can donate your time. Volunteer work or even a career is a great way to help! It's our vision to make the world a better place for all creatures.