Meet Our Family of Creatures!

Leopard Gecko's

Aphrodite ( Aphie)


Aphrodite was Creature Cove's very first reptile to join the family. Her exact age is unkown but she has been around for atleast 6 years making her the oldest of the creatures.



Freya was the first rescue and rehabilitated animal at Creature Cove. Freya had previous owners who were not prepared or educated on how to take care of her. As result Freya has MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease) . At first Freya crawled and scooted across her cage, not being able to support herself on her little legs. Today, her legs are little misshapen but she lives a happy and healthy life now. Freya loves to challenge herself and climb all around her cage now that she can move around with ease. She is believed to be around 3 years old.

Creature Cove's image


Ares is a very adventurous soul and will often be found soaking his toes in his water bowl. He's been very fortunate to live a happy and healthy life, he joined Creature Cove in 2022 when his previous owners loved him but no longer has enough time for him. He is estimated be around 4 years old.

Day Gecko's

Creature Cove's image


Loki was the first Day Gecko to join Creature Cove's family back in November 2022, when he was just a couple months old. Today he is a fearless adult and is always sitting right where is cage door opens. He's smart and will get excited anytime someone walks by because he's always hoping for just one more bite of food! Thats why he's always sitting on the edge of the door! He has zero patience when being fed and will get as close as possible. You better watch out or he will jump out and get the bugs himself.

Creature Cove's image

Lady Sif

Creature Cove's image


Creature Cove's image


